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Preston University Celebrates 50th Anniversary of September 6, 1965 War Befittingly

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Preston University Celebrates 50th Anniversary of September 6, 1965 War Befittingly

 Preston University Celebrates 50th Anniversary


of September 6, 1965 War Befittingly


Organizes several intra-university competitions to mark the occasion and pay tribute to the martyrs of the 65 war. Students take part in the competitions held on the occasion with immeasurable gusto. Unleash their talent before a jubilant audience who appreciate and applaud them for their brilliant performances.   



Preston University, Islamabad organized a grand event to mark the ‘50th Anniversary’ of the 1965 war that took place between Pakistan and its ever-belligerent neighbor India. The referenced event was held at the Islamabad Campus of Preston. The theme of the event was ‘One Nation-One Destination’. To mark the occasion several intra-university competitions were held. The gamut of activities included Bilingual (English & Urdu) Debate Competitions, Pakistan War Quiz Competition, National Songs Competition, Slogans (for Army, Navy and Air Force) Competition, Essay Writing and Picture Caption Competitions.Students pursuing their studies at the bachelors and masters level, in various disciplines, participated in the events with immeasurable exuberance. They wholeheartedly demonstrated their love and respect for the gallant Armed Forces of Pakistan and also the civilians who sacrificed their valuable lives to defend their beloved motherland-Pakistan. They also expressed complete unity with the valiant soldiers of the Armed Forces of Pakistan who are engaged in fighting the militants in North Waziristan and elsewhere in the country.


An impressive ceremony was organized at the conclusion of the day-long event to distribute prizes among the first, second and third position holders of different events. Former Director General Inter Services Intelligence (ISI) and eminent Defence Analyst, Lt. General (R) Asad Durrani presided over the ceremony as Chief Guest. Briefly speaking on the occasion, General Durrani shared his experience of the 1965 war with the students, faculty and staff of the University. He said with a sense of pride that best part of the entire episode was that the people of Pakistan stood like a rock with its Armed Forces during the entire war. The unity they demonstrated with the Armed Forces of the country has no parallel in recent history.  The commendable unity shown by the people, in the 1965 war, bolstered the courage of its armed forces which not only fought its enemy bravely but also ousted them from the Pakistani soil. General Durrani said “Our brave officers and soldiers alongside the proud people of Pakistan have set unprecedented examples of heroism and resilience in their fight against militancy. The sacrifices our Armed Forces made in the 1965 war can never be forgotten. Talking about the ongoing war against terror ‘Zarb-e-Azb’, he said today this nation is once again at war but this time it is a different war, a war against the militants. This war may be a difficult but our brave soldiers will win this war too, he said. Gen. Durrani profoundly commended the endeavors of Preston University to organize the event to pay tribute to the martyrs of the 1965 Indo-Pak war. Later, he distributed prizes among the winners of different competitions. 



The Chancellor of Preston University, Dr. Abdul Basit in his welcome address on the occasion expressed his gratitude to Lt. General (R) Asad Durrani for his distinguished presence at the Pakistan Day Celebrations, organized by Preston University, as Chief Guest. During his address he also paid glowing tribute to the martyrs of the 1965 war as well as those who have lost their valuable lives in the ongoing war against terror. He said the Pakistani nation is truly indebted to its Armed Forces for the huge sacrifices it has made and continues to make to safeguard the honor of this country. Later, he presented a shield of the University to the Chief Guest, Lt. General ® Asad Durrani as a token of gratitude and appreciation.

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