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GNDR's Global Summit in Bangkok, Thailand

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GNDR's Global Summit in Bangkok, Thailand

 Prof. Dr. Baloch Allah Wadhayo, ED-DRI attend, GNDR’s Global Summit in Bangkok, Thailand, 19-21st April 2016; as a nominee of Preston University Kohat.


The Global Network of Civil Society Organizations for Disaster Reduction (GNDR) is an association of civil society organizations, with more than 800 member organizations, active in over 125 countries around the world; is the largest international network of organizations committed to working together to improve the lives of people affected by disasters world-wide.

Strategy to implement Sendai, Japan decisions, March 2015, attended by Dr. Baloch, was discussed in detail and finalized.

Performance indicators of DRI were presented by Dr. Baloch, in the summit, attended by 120 participants all over the world, and were appreciated and acknowledged.


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