Preston University - Recongnized by HEC

Preston University makes history by winning 1st Position in All Pakistan Inter university Urdu Decla

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Preston University makes history by winning 1st Position in All Pakistan Inter university Urdu Declamation Contest for All Allama Iqbal Shield organized by HEC.

Preston University performs outstandingly to win 1st Position in All Pakistan Inter-University Urdu Declamation Contest for Allama Iqbal Shield organized by Higher Education Commission (HEC) in Islamabad.

The Chancellor of Preston University, Dr. Abdul Basit and the senior management and faculty of the University heartily congratulated Prestonian Mr. Taqi Jawad on his outstanding performance and winning 1st position in All Pakistan Inter-University Urdu Declamation Contest for Allama Iqbal Sheild organized by Higher Education Commision (HEC).

Dr. Abdul Basit also profoundly eulogized the efforts of Preston Faculty, Mr. Kashif Khan Durrani who was instrumental in coordinating participation of Preston University in this grand inter-university contest organized by HEC..

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