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A Documentary titled “Landscape in Need” was screened at Preston University, Islamabad

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A Documentary titled “Landscape in Need” was screened at Preston University, Islamabad

A Documentary titled “Landscape in Need” was screened at Preston University, Islamabad on Wednesday, December 4, 2019. Screening of the referenced 52- minute Documentary was organized by Preston University in collaboration with United Nations, European Union and Embassy of Czech Republic. H.E. Antonin Hradilek, Deputy Head of Mission, Embassy of Czech Republic in Pakistan was the Chief Guest on the occasion. Distinguished personalities, including faculty, staff and students of the University were present at the event. H.E. Antonin Hradilek briefly spoke on global climate change issues and its impact on the Czech Republic. He also responded to questions raised by the participants on the subject. Earlier, Dr. Abdul Basit, Chancellor Preston University welcomed the distinguished Chief Guest, H.E. Antonin Hradilek and thanked the UN, the European Union and the Embassy of Czech Republic for providing Preston University the opportunity to be a part of the “Human Rights Reel Film Festival 2019

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